SPOKESPERSON’S MESSAGE: September 2023 Newsletter

ᎣᏏᏲ ᏂᎦᏛ osiyo nigad! (hello, everyone!)

As summer ends, autumn comes, seeming to arrive early this year with the sun taking a step back on the morning of the first day of September leaving the skies full of raindrops. We welcome the change in season to cooler weather with excitement for what’s to come…

We’ve had several notable events take place over the past few months including the Annual CNCV Campout with admired guests Pam Bakke, our at-large Cherokee Nation Representative, Will Chavez, Assistant Editor from the Cherokee Phoenix, our tribal newspaper in Cherokee Nation, and local community member, Guy Nixon, who shared interesting stories and history. The recent August CNCV General Community Meeting & Potluck, featuring an eagle feather dedication ceremony presented by Jim Kemp from the Colorado Cherokee Circle, was truly a one-of-a-kind, extraordinary experience! Wado to all that attended these events and a very special mention of gratitude for our CNCV Council Members, including Roxanna Horne and Sabrina McKinney, that helped to organize them.

Our CNCV Council has been hard at work planning our upcoming events and we would be honored if you could come join us. More specifics can be found as you continue to read and enjoy this feature of our September CNCV newsletter.

On a special note, it comes with great sadness to announce the passing of Ben Ridge Goss, an active member of the Cherokee community, specifically a past Council Member of the Cherokee Society of the Greater Bay Area (CSGBA). Ben was a dedicated Cherokee and a great friend, mentor and colleague to the Cherokees of Northern Central Valley. Please send healing prayers to his family and friends as he will be dearly missed.


ᏙᏓᏓᎪᎲᎢ dodadagohvi (till we meet again),

Jessica Hilderbrand

CNCV Spokesperson


OCTOBER GATHERING: Julia Coates’ Presentation
