October is Election Time for the CNCV.

See below to learn how members can vote and get involved.

First and foremost, we encourage participation from our general membership in good standing, meaning current in dues. Dues are $20 annually, which covers January 1 through December 31. Dues and renewals can be paid online anytime (go to “Join”, click “Become a Member” button, fill out Membership Form, click “Submit” and that will take you to the online payment link). Dues can also be paid by check (made out to CNCV and mailed) or at any meeting including on Election Day, October 14.

Get Involved

The CNCV needs you! We want your skills, ideas, energy, labor generosity, and help. Please consider stepping up and getting involved. There are many ways to do this with varying levels of commitment.

One way to get involved is to serve as a Council Officer. We have seven elected Council Officers, who serve for two-year terms. Council terms are staggered: 3 for one election cycle and 4 for the next. The staggered terms ensure continuity by avoiding having 7 new members at the same time. The annual election is not for electing Council positions, but for maintaining seven Council member seats.

This year, there are 4 Council seats to elect or reelect. Soon after the election, the new Council will call a separate special meeting, open to general membership, to determine who will fill particular Officer positions. These positions and duties are Spokesperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Alternate Spokesperson, Membership Coordinator/Alternate Secretary, Events Coordinator, Communications, and Historian.

The two-year term responsibilities include participating in monthly Council meetings, helping plan and implement CNCV events, ensuring ongoing operations, and fulfilling duties specific to one’s position. Positions are to be reviewed annually. At this time, Jessica Hildebrand is our Interim Spokesperson filling in for the remaining 3 months of Jonathan Radocay’s ending two-year term as Spokesperson. All Officer positions are open for candidates and determined by the newly elected Council.

Another way to get involved is to become an Alternate Council Member. This is an excellent way to learn more about the Council, share your skills, participate on a subcommittee, practice gadugi, and help build the capacity of the CNCV to serve our amazing community! Many Officers start as an Alternate to learn the roles and Council business better. The Alternate role is a nonvoting one and the commitment is less than as an Officer. You don’t have to be elected to be an Alternate. Just raise your hand and get started. We welcome you.

Conducting the Election

1.) We announce the upcoming election and invite any current, interested CNCV Members to consider getting more involved as an Officer or Alternate.

2.) To add your name to the ballot, contact Communications Director, Sabrina McKinney, at cncv.communications@gmail.com by Thursday, October 12th at 5 pm PST. Please note whether you are a Cherokee Nation registered citizen or not, as the Council is required to maintain a percentage of citizens.

3.) A simple voter ballot form will be made listing the early candidates with blank lines for later write-in candidates.

4.) At the beginning of the October meeting, Election Day, we will ask again if anyone would like to run for Council to be added as a write-in on the ballot.

5.) Ballots will be distributed to current members in good standing and each voter will be asked to select and vote for four candidates.

6.) We will ask three members to count and tabulate the winners to be announced at the end of the general meeting or as soon as tallying is complete.

-- Mike Webb


SPOKESPERSON’S MESSAGE: September 2023 Newsletter


CNCV Members Featured in Cherokee Phoenix