Sonora-area Cherokee group disbands, donates library to CNCV

The Tuolumne Band of Cherokee Indians, a Cherokee community group serving Cherokees living in the Sonora area, has disbanded. Their member and lifetime member of CNCV, Millie Batchelor called me and asked if CNCV would be interested in their book library. I told Millie we would be honored.

The remaining TBCI members voted to donate their library to us. I drove up and met with Marlene Schaller at her home in Jamestown where she and her husband stored the library. She and I are in the photo where we loaded the library into the back of my Suburban. There are over a hundred books relating to all things Cherokee as well as a variety relating to other Native American tribes and history. Most titles which I've never seen before are out of print. After we picked up the books, Liz and I were invited to lunch by Millie. We met Millie and Carlene (Rolufs) Hamilton (whom I went to high school with in 1957-1959) at the Hong Kong Garden Restaurant in Sonora. Millie had some additional books to contribute. Above is another photo of Millie, Carlene and me picking up Millie's personal books. We had a very nice visit and a good Chinese luncheon. Millie and Carlene are wonderful hosts. WADO to Millie, Carlene, Marlene and the Tuolumne Band of Cherokee Indians. 

The TBCI donated their remaing treasury honoring the memory of Devearl Stanphill to the Sierra Senior Providers Inc, the providers of Meals On Wheels in their area. Devearl was a strong and loyal supporter and volunteer for Meals On Wheels.The CNCV Council has voted to donate $300 to Sierra Senior Providers Inc in Devearl's name. Devearl and Millie are both lifetime members and Elders of CNCV.

—Mike Webb


SPOKESPERSON MESSAGE: March 2023 Newsletter


In memoriam: Devearl (Dee) Stanphill