John Rollin Ridge Family Plot Annual Cleanup

On Saturday May 11, 2024, the CNCV Cemetery cleaning crew volunteers performed our annual John Rollin Ridge Family cemetery plot cleaning and maintenance in Grass Valley, Ca. We worked under the shade of the Cedar trees on a pleasant 79-degree day. When we arrived, we found the plot in fair condition. This is due to our regular annual maintenance. Last year, Jed Horne applied a pre-emergent, which kept the weeds to a minimum. We completed the job in about two hours. I believe this is the cleanest and best job we have ever done. At the end of the maintenance, we applied pre-emergent again. 

After the cleanup, we went to Maria's Mexican restaurant in Grass Valley for a fun lunch. Of course, all of this is done in the Cherokee Spirit of Gadugi. We thank our 10 volunteers. WADO to Ken Richardson and Luis; Elena Hansen, husband Jeremy, son William; Ganel and Gerrit Fenenga; Paul Terry; and Liz and Mike Webb. We look forward to next spring when the weather is not too hot. We'll invite CNCV members and their families to come and learn more about the iconic Cherokee John Rollin Ridge (the founding editor of the Sacramento Bee and much more).

At Maria’s, we discussed getting a group of CNCV members together to trek up to Cherokee Ca, which is 40 miles north of Grass Valley. There is an old cemetery there as well that might have some Cherokees buried there. After some research, we'll make an announcement date to go.

— Mike (Adidodi Spoon/Buck) Webb      




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