DATE: Saturday, October 14, 2023
WHEN: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
WHERE: Valhalla Mobile Estates, 3901 Lake Road, West Sacramento, CA 95691
We invite you to join us for a potluck lunch and membership gathering on Saturday, October 14. We are very honored and excited to welcome Cherokee Nation Tribal Councilor, Dr. Julia Coates, who will share a special presentation on the Keetoowahs!
We will also be holding our annual Council elections. To vote, you need to be a member and current in your annual dues. Dues are $20 annually, which covers January 1 through December 31. Dues and renewals can be paid online anytime, by check (made out to CNCV and mailed), or at any meeting including on Election Day, October 14.
See above for details and what you can contribute to the potluck. We look forward to coming together in community with old and new friends and relations. Our cultural center will have books and merchandise available for purchase. We hope to see you there! Please note, we’ll begin promptly at noon so plan to arrive early.
Note: Parking is not allowed along the streets of the mobile home park. Please park in designated areas below.
Parking options for Valhalla:
Guest parking in front and side of Clubhouse, not in front of mailboxes
Parking in turnaround area on Odin Drive
Before entering Park
And at yellow highlighted areas on map
Wado for being courteous guests!
For those who have taken the Cherokee Nation History Course taught by Julia Coates, bring your textbook for Julia to sign.
This book is a Cherokee Nation historical item!