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CNCV Annual Campout

Our campout this year is scheduled for July 28th – July 30th at Gold Country Campground, 13026 Tabeaud Rd. in Pine Gove, CA. To reserve, call the resort and say you’re with the Cherokee group. Make your reservations now!  

Contact Information:  (209) 296-4650 or!  

You can come for the day or spend the entire weekend enjoying the pool, water park, great food, great friends, and lots of excellent cultural activities.

We have an exciting weekend planned for your enjoyment. We are honored to host Pam Bakke who is our at-large Cherokee Nation Representative and Will Chavez, editor from the Cherokee Phoenix, our tribal newspaper in Cherokee Nation. We also have a wonderful local community member, Guy Nixon, who will be sharing stories and history!  

Pam will be sharing her talents in art and storytelling. Will will share information regarding the Cherokee Phoenix and the “behind the scenes” editorial process, and Guy will give us local history of how and why many of our ancestors migrated to California, and how they formed Cherokee communities in California today. All this and…great food, ending the evening with donated prize giveaways, drumming, and song. Come join us!  

Please contact Roxanna Horne @ (209) 681-3673 with any questions.

May 20

Twin Rivers Big Time and Pow-Wow Exhibition

August 19

CNCV August Membership Gathering and Potluck