Our Cherokee Nation is bringing us a rare opportunity: a Cherokee language intensive taught by experts to help save our beautiful language, the root of our culture!
We will receive up to 40 hours of direct language instruction!
Schedule with newly confirmed dates (please note, these sessions are for real-time learning and will not be recorded):
Virtually, Tues-Wed-Thurs, from 1 - 3 pm (Pacific time):
February 20-21-22, 1 - 3 pm
In-person face-to-face teacher interaction, for one full weekend, Sat-Sun (Pacific time):
March 2-3, from 9 am - 4 pm
Virtually, Tues-Wed-Thurs, from 1 - 3 pm (Pacific time):
March 12-13-14, 1 - 3 pm
What we need from you is a commitment of time and energy. Every two weeks, research indicates, a language is lost. Be a part of the historical renaissance of our existence by committing time and energy into attending online courses and one full weekend of in-person study by language instructors of the Cherokee Nation.
If you are up to the task, please fill out this form (click below) and commit yourself to helping save your tribe's culture. By submitting this form, you promise to take the course in its entirety, which is 100% synchronous (not recorded), whether virtual or in-person.
Your Cherokee Nation is generously paying for everything, and working with our at-large organizations, Cherokees of Northern Central Valley and Bay area Cherokee Community to assist with the arrangements. Let’s learn together and help preserve and perpetuate our language as a cornerstone of culture!