Mark your Calendars! On Saturday, November 9th, all CNCV members, families, and friends are invited to join us and make a trip to Cherokee, California.
Cherokee is an unincorporated community in traditional territory of the Maidu and present-day Butte County, California. The city is named for a group of Cherokee prospectors who came in 1849 to mine the site.
Over the years, our members have asked about getting together and making this trip. Let's do it and have some fun.
From Hwy 65 & Hwy 99/70. As you approach the Yuba River Bridge, stay in the right lane as you cross the Yuba River entering Marysville, turn right at the foot of the bridge on 4th St (it's one way for now). Proceed to 9th St and turn left. Go straight on 9th which will become Hwy 70 to Oroville.
This is not a regular CNCV Meeting. Rather, this is a fun field trip to learn and view the history of Cherokee, CA. We'll meet up at 11:00 am at the Cow Cafe and Grill, located on 935 Oro Dam Blvd, Oroville, Ca., 530-533-1849, have lunch, car pool, and travel on up to Cherokee. Oroville is 70 miles north of Sacramento on Hwy 99 continuing north on Hwy 70 about an hour and 15 minute drive.
The event will be postponed if raining. The forecast is looking good: partly cloudy and high of 68F.
Wear your hiking shoes, outdoor wear, hats, sunglasses, walking sticks, water, etc. Cherokee is approximately 16 miles north of Oroville on Hwy 70 North to a right turn on Cherokee Road. From there, about 2 miles onto the Cherokee Cemetery.